Several verification processes are carried out before the files are processed in order to verify the file size and the compliance with the naming rules specific to each file type.
- The request payment file (REQ) is named using the generation date, the shop number, the mode (Test or Production), the sequential number of the file within the day (<YYYYMMDD>.<shopId>.PAY.REQ.<z>.<xx>).
Example: 20191130.12345678.PAY.REQ.T.01.csv
- The response payment file (ANS) is also named using the generation date, the shop number, the mode (Test or Production), the sequential number of the file within the day (<YYYYMMDD>.<shopId>.PAY.ANS.<z>.<xx>).
Example: 20191130.12345678.PAY.ANS.T.01.csv
- Some files can be ignored and then identified via a suffix added to the name. In this case, the merchant receives a notification by e-mail.
If the file size is 0 bytes, the name will have the suffix _ERROR.
Example: (20191130.12345678.PAY.ANS.T.01_ERROR.csv
If a file has already been processed, it is identified as a duplicate file. Thus, the name will have the _DUPLICATE suffix.
Example: (20191130.12345678.PAY.ANS.T.01_DUPLICATE.csv)