3D Secure is an interbank protocol that provides a high level of security for online payments.
The goal of 3D Secure is to protect e-merchants from risks of fraud and from cardholder disputes.
- “Visa Secure” (replacesVerified by Visa) is the 3D Secure program of Visa
- “Mastercard Identity check” (replacesMastercard Secure Code) is the name of the 3D Secure program of Mastercard
- “Safekey” is the 3D Secure program of American Express
- “CB secure payment” is the 3D Secure program of CB
- “ProtectBuy” is the 3D Secure program of Diners and Discover
Lyra will enroll you in the 3D Secure program. This “3DS enrollment” consists in declaring your merchant website with the CB, Diners, Visa, MasterCard and Amex networks.
You can use the following logos on your merchant site and use them to inform your clients/users.